ARrr..morning wakEs up it seems to be a satuRday to me but too bad is not.. so sad... but is ok i am still guai enough to go to sch hehe:) aftEr sCh i went homE with Bel n Sera as usual lo hehe :) they are cutE hehe in the way theY speak hehe:) the evening i went eat with my frieNds at yew Tee. We aTe koRean cusine...woRhs shiok lo hehe not bad anD we talk and Chat happily away hehe...afTer that we went to Pasamalan ..Me and cindy n PX bouGht the size design n colour or shoes hehe at CCK hehe is whiTe, we have the same but in diff size so cuTe and cOol we also havE hard time finDing and deCidng a one we likes hehe...NExt we walk aRound CCK n lot one i oSo bOught a pair oF 'SliPPers' which i decide to wEar to sch hehe is blAck in colour is Simply pain and nice...when i wEnt home i realise thaT i spent quite a lot of mOney $$ hehehe mm...i bought two pair of shoes in onE day worhs..
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Memories of Friday
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9:19 AM