Thursday, May 1, 2008

some photos in my past days:)

my new classmate..christy
me, kartina N the toilet...
the half eaten meat ball spagetti...
the nice waffle choc ice cream at new york everthing cost quite a lot but nt i pay hehe
me n my cousin-na
at one part on changi airport...shuhui behind me man..hahaha
to celebrate mindy birthday we also went to eat dinner at hong kong cafe at ms...
tat time I go sentosa i take with the monkey first time lol
the night time in sentosa...
my legs being buried by my
my new being reborn
the monKEY!

yeahhhhh..the end next time then post moree!! happy labour day....tmr still got understanding test after school i havent study and now is 11pm plus and i nt on bed omGosh....