Today is my good friend birthday! woots..she is a cute person enjoys laughing..ya hopE today she enjoys her day. hopEfully she will ReCeives a lot of preSent. haPPY biRthDay:)
my Life todAy is so boRing..watching tV for the wholE morning...afTErnoon Slacks at homE watch and EAT so boRing haha..
unTil 3 plus i go ouT with my mum and i cut my hAir. TheRe was a loT of ppl we Waited 30 mins pluS but is okay as i can wait.haha.
I realised that my hair is not so nice but no choice already cut so i hAve to waiT for my friends reaction see what thEy feel. i Am surE thEy weRe shock as my hair is till shoULder length onLy.
lol...hoPEfully will groW faster:)